How to Apply

By sending us your CV you are indicating your consent for DK Global Recruitment to process your personal details in order to help you learn about new job opportunities, and for DK Global Recruitment to send you information relevant to your career. We do not share the data with third parties for other purposes without your consent and are fully committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Read our privacy policy to understand how we will use your personal information.

DK Global Recruitment is fully committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. Please read our privacy policy, if you would like to understand how we could use your personal information.

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Thank you for sending your CV to DK Global Recruitment and choosing us to help you with your career advancement. We will review your CV and advise you if we can be of any assistance with your current or future job seeking.


Service levels we promise

We have always been committed to provide excellent services not only to our clients, but also to the people that choose us to help them with their career prospects. We manage to do so partly due to the feedback, comments and suggestions received by you, our job seekers. If you would like to offer us any opinion or suggestion regarding the work we do, please do not hesitate to write us a message using this page.